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Definitions from the WebAccidentDescription:An accident refers to an unexpected event or occurrence that happens without intention, resulting in damage, injury, or harm." Senses:Sense 1:Noun: A sudden event that causes damage, injury, or loss unintentionally. Example Sentence:She was involved in a car accident on her way to work. Sense 2:Noun: An unfortunate or unpredictable incident. Example Sentence:It was an accident that the cake fell on the floor. Sense 3:Noun: In law, an unplanned event that leads to injury or damage, often resulting in legal claims. Example Sentence:The lawyer helped her file a lawsuit after the workplace accident. Sense 4:Noun: In grammar, a word or phrase that is inadvertently inserted into a text. Example Sentence:The typo in the report was an accident. Usages:Popular Usage:Noun: Car accident, traffic accident, minor accident, workplace accident Example Sentence:The car accident caused a major traffic jam during rush hour. Local Usage:Noun: fender bender, prang (British English slang term for a minor accident). Example Sentence:He had a fender bender while parking his car. Related Products: | ||||
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