Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebAnkyloseDefinition:Ankylose is a medical term that refers to the abnormal fusion or stiffening of a joint, typically due to injury, inflammation, or disease. Parts of speech:Verb Senses:Sense 1:To cause a joint to become stiff or immobile by fusion or inflammation "The severe injury to his knee caused it to ankylose, leaving him unable to bend his leg fully." Sense 2:To undergo fusion or stiffening of a joint "If left untreated, the inflamed joints can ankylose over time, leading to long-term mobility issues." Usage:Ankylose can be used in a medical and general context when discussing joint stiffness or fusion. Related Products:To learn more about conditions related to joint stiffness or to find products that may help alleviate symptoms, you can search for: | ||||
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