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Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist who is regarded as one of the most important figures in Western philosophy. He was a student of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great. Aristotle made significant contributions to various fields including logic, ethics, politics, and biology.

Sample Sentences:

Noun (Proper):

1. The works of Aristotle have had a profound influence on the development of philosophy.

2. Many universities offer courses on Aristotle's philosophies.

3. The writings of Aristotle cover a wide range of subjects.

Noun (Common):

1. An aristotle is someone who possesses deep wisdom and intellectual understanding.

2. She proved herself to be an aristotle in the field of mathematics.

3. Being an aristotle requires a constant quest for knowledge.


1. His aristotelian views on ethics have shaped many modern philosophical debates.

2. They follow aristotelian principles in their approach to education.

3. The book presents an aristotelian analysis of political systems.


1. The students debated aristotelically, using rational arguments and logical reasoning.

2. She tackled the problem aristotelically, breaking it down into smaller components.

3. They approached the project aristotelically, considering both the theoretical and practical aspects.

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