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Definitions from the WebBalustradeDescription:A balustrade is a row of decorative, vertical posts or columns that serve as a barrier or support along the edge of a balcony, staircase, or terrace. Senses:Sense 1:Noun: A row of balusters topped by a rail or coping, forming an ornamental parapet or barrier. Example: The elegant balustrade along the porch added a touch of sophistication to the Victorian house. Sense 2:Noun: The whole ensemble of the balusters, railings, and coping that forms a balustrade. Example: The marble balustrade of the grand staircase beautifully adorned the entrance hall of the palace. Sense 3:Verb: To furnish or enclose with a balustrade. Example: The architect decided to balustrade the terrace to ensure the safety of the guests. Related Products: | ||||
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