Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebBlue BabyDescription:Blue baby refers to a medical condition known as cyanosis, where an infant's skin appears bluish due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. It is typically caused by congenital heart defects or lung problems. Senses and Usages:Sense 1 - Medical Condition:As a medical condition, blue baby occurs in infants due to inadequate oxygenation of the blood. It can be an indicator of underlying heart or lung issues. Prompt medical attention is necessary to diagnose and treat the underlying cause. Example Sentence:
Related Products: Sense 2 - Popular Usage:Outside the medical context, the term "blue baby" may also refer to a baby with blue eyes or a baby depicted in artistic or fictional works with a blue-colored appearance. Example Sentence:
Related Products: Sense 3 - Local Usage:In certain regions or communities, "blue baby" might be a local term or nickname given to a specific baby or used affectionately regardless of the baby's actual skin color or health condition. Example Sentence:
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