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boat train


Definitions from WordNet

Noun boat train has 1 sense
  1. boat train - a train taking passengers to or from a port
    --1 is a kind of
    train, railroad train

Definitions from the Web

Boat Train


A boat train refers to a specific type of train service that carries passengers and goods between a train station and a port or dock, usually for the purpose of connecting with a ship or ferry.

Sense 1: Transport Service

In this sense, a boat train is a means of transportation that facilitates the transfer of passengers and cargo between a railway station and a port. It typically operates in a scheduled manner to coincide with the arrival and departure times of ships.

Example Sentence:

Passengers disembarked from the boat and boarded the waiting train, ready to continue their journey to the city.

For a convenient way to travel to the port, consider booking a boat train ticket.

Sense 2: Historical Context

In a historical context, a boat train refers to a particular type of luxury train that was popular during the 19th and early 20th centuries. These trains were designed to transport wealthy passengers from their residences to coastal towns, where they would embark on lavish cruises.

Example Sentence:

The boat train was the epitome of opulence, adorned with plush seats, elegant decor, and attentive service.

Explore the fascinating history of luxury train travel with books and documentaries available on Amazon.

Sense 3: Local Term

Locally, a boat train can refer to a specific train service that is unique to a particular region or location. It may have distinct features or serve a specialized purpose, catering to the needs of the local population.

Example Sentence:

The boat train in this coastal town runs every morning, serving commuters and tourists alike.

Discover local train services like the boat train in your region and surrounding areas on Amazon.

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