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common cotton grass


Definitions from WordNet

Noun common cotton grass has 1 sense
  1. common cotton grass, Eriophorum angustifolium - having densely tufted white cottony or downlike glumes
    --1 is a kind of cotton grass, cotton rush

Definitions from the Web

Common Cotton Grass


1. A perennial plant native to cool temperate regions, belonging to the sedge family and characterized by white, fluffy, cotton-like flower heads.

Example sentence: The common cotton grass is a typical sight in boggy areas, its fluffy flower heads swaying gently in the wind.

Related products: Common Cotton Grass Seeds, Cotton Grass Field Guide


1. Referring to something ordinary or in general use.

Example sentence: The common cotton grass is a common sight in wetlands and marshes throughout the region.

Related products: Common Cotton Grass Art Print, Cotton Grass Photography Book

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