Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebDefervescenceDefinition:Defervescence refers to the gradual decrease or subsiding of a fever, often accompanying the recovery from an illness or infection. Examples:Noun:The patient's defervescence was a positive sign that the medication was working. The doctor monitored the defervescence of the fever to track the progress of the patient's recovery. Verb:The fever defervesced over the course of a few days. The feverish symptoms disappear as the fever defervesces. Related Adjective:The defervescence stage represents a turning point in the patient's condition. A defervescence treatment plan was implemented to aid in the patient's recovery. Popular Uses:1. Defervescence is commonly discussed and monitored in medical settings. 2. The concept of defervescence helps to assess the effectiveness of treatments. Local Uses:1. In local communities, defervescence is often mentioned as a sign of recovery and improving health. 2. Traditional healers incorporate defervescence in their methods to evaluate a patient's progress. Related Products:You can find various books and products related to defervescence on Amazon: | ||||
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