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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A term used in baseball to describe a home run.

Usage: The slugger hit a massive dinger that landed in the upper deck of the stadium.

Sample Sentence: The crowd erupted in cheers as the batter connected with the ball and sent it sailing over the outfield fence for a dinger.

Related Product: Dinger Bats

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: Slang term used to mean a very attractive person.

Usage: Everyone at the party was impressed with John's date; she was a real dinger.

Sample Sentence: The supermodel walked into the room, captivating everyone with her looks, and instantly became the talk of the town as the ultimate dinger.

Related Product: Dinger Perfume

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: To hit or strike something with force.

Usage: He dingered the table with his fist, frustrated with the outcome of the game.

Sample Sentence: In a fit of anger, she grabbed a nearby glass and dingered it against the wall.

Related Product: Dinger Stress Ball

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Used to describe something as impressive or remarkable.

Usage: The chef prepared a dinger meal that her guests couldn't stop raving about.

Sample Sentence: The magician ended his act with a dinger trick that left the audience astounded.

Related Product: Dinger Cookbook
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