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Definitions from the WebEaliearDescription:Ealiear is a term commonly used in a local dialect to describe something that is done before expected or anticipated. It can refer to both an action or a state of being. Parts of Speech:
Senses and Usages:Sense 1 (Noun):Definition: The act of doing something earlier than planned or expected. Example sentence: Mary's ealiear of heading to the market helped her avoid the rush hour traffic. Explore related products on Amazon Sense 2 (Adjective):Definition: Describing something that occurs or is available before the usual or expected time. Example sentence: The ealiear release of the highly-anticipated album excited the fans. Explore related products on Amazon Sense 3 (Adverb):Definition: Modifying a verb to indicate doing something earlier than necessary or expected. Example sentence: John woke up ealiearly to finish his work before the deadline. | ||||
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