Definitions from the Web
A forager is a person or animal that searches and collects food, typically in a natural environment.
Parts of Speech:
- A person who gathers food, such as berries, nuts, or herbs, from the wild.
- An animal, such as a squirrel or a bear, that searches for and collects food in its natural habitat.
- Popular: In popular usage, forager refers to individuals who engage in gathering wild
plants and mushrooms for personal consumption.
- Local: In local usage, forager commonly refers to animals such as ants, bees, or birds
that actively
seek out flowers or other sources of nectar for sustenance.
Sample Sentences:
- I went into the forest to join a group of foragers and learned about different edible plant species.
- The bear roamed the forest as a skilled forager, always finding berries and fish to eat.
- The popular trend of foraging has encouraged people to reconnect with nature and explore their local
- The local bees function as efficient foragers, collecting pollen and nectar to bring back to their
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