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Definitions from the WebTerm: Free FluidDescription:Free fluid refers to a medical term used to describe any bodily fluid that is present in an abnormal amount and accumulates in a body cavity or space. This excess fluid can be found in various parts of the body, such as the abdomen, chest, or joints. Parts of Speech:
Senses and Usages:1. Noun: Sense: Excessive fluid accumulating in body cavities or spaces. Usage: The ultrasound revealed the presence of free fluid in her chest, indicating a possible infection. 2. Adjective: Sense: Describing the condition where an abnormal amount of fluid is present in a body part. Usage: The doctor noticed signs of free fluid in her knee joint, suggesting a potential injury. Sample Sentences:
Related Products:To learn more about medical conditions related to free fluid, you may search for relevant books and products on Amazon: | ||||
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