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glottis vera


Definitions from WordNet

Noun glottis vera has 1 sense
  1. rima glottidis, rima vocalis, true glottis, glottis vera - the space between the two true vocal folds
    --1 is a kind of rima
    --1 is a part of glottis

Definitions from the Web

Glottis Vera

Noun (Anatomy):

The glottis vera refers to the part of the larynx consisting of the vocal folds and the space between them. It is responsible for producing sound during speech and phonation.

Example Sentence: The glottis vera plays a crucial role in generating vocal sounds.

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Noun (Medical):

In medical terminology, glottis vera refers to the true glottis, which includes the vocal cords and the opening between them. It is an important anatomical structure involved in breathing and phonation.

Example Sentence: A blockage of the glottis vera can lead to severe breathing difficulties.

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Adjective (Musical):

In the context of music, glottis vera is used to describe a specific vocal technique where the vocal cords are closed tightly to produce a breathy or airy sound.

Example Sentence: The singer used glottis vera to create a haunting and ethereal tone in the song.

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Vocal Effects Processor Breathy Vocal Songs (CD)
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