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Definitions from the WebGood MorrowDefinition:A greeting traditionally used in the morning to wish someone a good day. Parts of Speech:Noun, interjection Senses:1) Noun:The act of wishing someone a good day in the morning. Example sentence: "He greeted her with a cheerful good morrow." 2) Interjection:An exclamation used to greet someone in the morning. Example sentence: "Good morrow, my friend! How are you today?" Usage:- The term "good morrow" is commonly used in literature or historical dramas set in older times. - It can be used as a form of polite and friendly morning greeting between acquaintances. - Nowadays, "good morning" is the more commonly used phrase compared to "good morrow." Possible related products on Amazon:Good Morning MugsHistorical Fiction Books | ||||
good looking guy good looks good luck good luck charm good manners good morning good morniund good morrning good morrow good nature good natured good naturedly good naturedness good night good offices good ol boy good old boy