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Definitions from the WebTerm: militaires Description: The term "militaires" refers to the plural form of the French word "militaire", which translates to "military" in English. It can be used to describe various aspects related to armed forces, including personnel, activities, and institutions. Possible Parts of Speech & Senses: 1. Noun (pl.): Used to refer to military personnel or members of the armed forces. Example Sentence: The militaires demonstrated tremendous bravery in the face of danger. 2. Adjective: Describing something that is related to the military or characteristic of armed forces. Example Sentence: The militaires operation involved a coordinated effort by various units. 3. Adverb: Indicates an action or process done in a military manner or style. Example Sentence: The troops marched militaires through the city square, impressing the onlookers with their discipline. Usages: 1. As a Noun: - The militaires often undergo intense training to prepare for combat. - Many young individuals aspire to become militaires and serve their country. 2. As an Adjective: - The militaires strategy proved successful in securing the borders. - The militaires base provided essential support to the troops deployed overseas. HTML Format: Term: militairesDescription: Possible Parts of Speech & Senses:
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