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Term: minic

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1:

Description: A small and compact car, usually with a hatchback.

Related Products: Minic Cars

Sample Sentence:

I drove my new minic to work today, and it was so easy to park in the crowded city streets.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1:

Description: Pertaining to being small and compact in size.

Related Products: Minic Electronics

Sample Sentence:

The minic camera fits perfectly in your pocket and still captures amazing photos.

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1:

Description: To imitate or mimic someone or something.

Related Products: Minic Toys

Sample Sentence:

The talented actor can minic any character flawlessly.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense 1:

Description: In a manner resembling a mini or small version.

Related Products: Minic Home Decor

Sample Sentence:

She danced minic around the room, showcasing her graceful moves.

Part of Speech: Local

Sense 1:

Description: Pertaining to or specific to a particular locality or region.

Related Products: Minic Local History Books

Sample Sentence:

The minic cuisine offers unique flavors and dishes that are only found in this region.

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