Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebMyotoniaDefinition:Myotonia is a medical condition characterized by the delayed relaxation of muscles after contraction, causing temporary stiffness. Usage:Sense 1 (Medical):In medical terms, myotonia refers to a neuromuscular disorder that affects the normal muscle function, leading to stiffness and slow muscle relaxation. Example Sentence: The patient was diagnosed with myotonia, experiencing muscle stiffness and difficulty in releasing the grip. Sense 2 (Popular):In informal language, myotonia can be referred to as muscle tension or stiffness experienced after extensive physical activity or stressful situations. Example Sentence: After an intense workout, Bob felt myotonia in his legs, making it difficult for him to walk down the stairs. Sense 3 (Local):Within a specific community, myotonia might have a particular meaning related to cultural practices or traditions. Example Sentence: In their local culture, myotonia represents a sacred state achieved through meditation, signifying the body's ability to achieve stillness. Related Products (Amazon):Check out the following products related to myotonia: | ||||
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