Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebNonprotractileDescription:The term "nonprotractile" refers to something that cannot be extended, stretched, or elongated. Senses:Sense 1:(Adjective) Not capable of being extended or stretched. Example sentence:The nonprotractile nature of the material made it unsuitable for the project. Sense 2:(Adjective) Not able to be elongated or stretched out. Example sentence:Unlike many snakes, this particular species has a nonprotractile jaw. Sense 3:(Adjective) Lacking the ability to extend or stretch out. Example sentence:The nonprotractile legs of the animal limited its mobility. Related Products:Amazon search for "nonprotractile" | ||||
nonprofit nonprofits nonprofitshoppingmall nonprognosticative nonprogressive nonproliferation nonproliferation center nonproprietary nonprotractile nonpsychoactive nonpsychotic nonpsychotropic nonpublic nonpurulent nonquantifiable nonracial nonracist