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Italian Noun:

Singular: orecchio | Plural: orecchi

1. The anatomical part of the body responsible for hearing and balancing.

Example sentence: The doctor examined her orecchio to diagnose the hearing problem.

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Italian Noun:

Singular: orecchio | Plural: orecchi

2. Informal reference to a person's ear(s).

Example sentence: She whispered into his orecchio, telling him a secret.

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Italian Noun:

Singular: orecchio | Plural: orecchi

3. Corn on the cob; a popular Italian street food.

Example sentence: While strolling through the local market, they enjoyed some delicious orecchi grilled over hot coals.

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Corn Holders

Italian Noun:

Singular: orecchio | Plural: orecchi

4. A soft Italian bread roll, often served with sandwiches.

Example sentence: They ordered a panini filled with fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil, served on an orecchio.

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Bread Knife Sandwich Press
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