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Definitions from the Web

Term: personal-ad


A personal ad is a short advertisement that individuals place in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms to express their interests, seek romantic relationships, or make social connections.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A personal ad as an advertisement seeking a romantic partner or a social connection.

Example Sentence:

"She decided to browse through personal ads in hopes of finding a compatible partner."

Related Products:

Online Dating Advice Books

Sense 2:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A personal ad as a written or spoken statement introducing oneself to others.

Example Sentence:

"He crafted an engaging personal ad to present himself effectively in a social gathering."

Related Products:

Public Speaking Guides

Sense 3:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A personal ad as an advertisement offering or seeking a specific product or service.

Example Sentence:

"The website allows users to post personal ads to sell or buy various items."

Related Products:

Classified Ads Tips

Sense 4:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A personal ad as a short written advertisement used in job hunting, seeking specific skills or qualifications.

Example Sentence:

"She responded to a personal ad looking for an experienced graphic designer."

Related Products:

Resume Writing Guides

Sense 5:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A personal ad as a written or spoken statement expressing personal beliefs or opinions.

Example Sentence:

"His personal ad expressing his political views gained attention on social media."

Sense 6:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A personal ad as an advertisement seeking companionship or friendship.

Example Sentence:

"After relocating to a new city, he placed a personal ad to meet new people and make friends."

Related Products:

Books on Building Friendships

Sense 7:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A personal ad as an advertisement expressing one's specific requirements or preferences for a romantic partner.

Example Sentence:

"She wrote a personal ad stating she preferred a partner who shares her love for adventure and spontaneity."

Related Products:

Dating Advice Books

Sense 8:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A personal ad as a part of an online dating profile, including photos and a self-description.

Example Sentence:

"He created an appealing personal ad for his online dating profile, hoping to attract like-minded individuals."

Related Products:

Online Dating Profile Tips

Sense 9:

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: Describing something related to or characteristic of a personal ad.

Example Sentence:

"She had a personal-ad-like approach when describing her ideal vacation."

Sense 10:

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: Relating to or belonging to an individual person's private life or concerns.

Example Sentence:

"He preferred to keep his personal-ad conversations private and confidential."

Sense 11:

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: To place or respond to a personal ad seeking a romantic partner, friendship, or connection.

Example Sentence:

"She personal-ads regularly to widen her network and meet new people."

Related Products:

Online Dating Platforms

Sense 12:

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: To advertise or promote oneself in a manner similar to a personal ad.

Example Sentence:

"He decided to personal-ad his skills on various online professional networks."

Related Products:

Self-Promotion Guides

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