Definitions from WordNet
Noun phytophthora has 1 sense
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Definitions from the WebPhytophthoraDefinition:Phytophthora is a genus of destructive plant pathogenic oomycetes. These microorganisms cause devastating diseases in a wide range of plants, including vegetables, fruits, and trees. Senses and Usages:Sense 1:Noun (singular): Phytophthora Definition: A type of parasitic oomycete that infects and causes diseases in various plants. Example Sentence: The farm experienced a severe crop loss due to the outbreak of Phytophthora in their potato fields. Related Products: Phytophthora-Resistant Plants Sense 2:Noun (plural): Phytophthoras Definition: Multiple instances or species of the phytophthora genus. Example Sentence: The nursery was struck by multiple Phytophthoras, leading to the loss of several endangered tree species. Related Products: Fungal Control for Phytophthoras Sense 3:Adjective: Phytophthora Definition: Relating to or caused by phytophthora. Example Sentence: The tree exhibited signs of phytophthora infection, such as wilting leaves and darkened root tissue. Related Products: Phytophthora Fungicide | ||||
phytomastigina phytomega phyton phytonadione phytonutrients phytophagic phytophagous phytophilous phytophthora phytophthora citrophthora phytophthora infestans phytoplankton phytosanitary phytotherapy phytotoxin pi-meson pi-oboscis