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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective propertied has 1 sense
  1. propertied, property-owning - owning land or securities as a principal source of revenue
    Antonyms: lower-class, low-class (indirect, via middle-class, upper-class)
    Antonym: middle-class (indirect, via upper-class, lower-class)

Definitions from the Web



Meaning 1: Owning property or having significant property holdings.

Example sentence 1: The propertied elite controlled the majority of land in the region.

Example sentence 2: The propertied class enjoyed privileges and benefits due to their wealth.


Meaning 2: A person who owns property; a property owner.

Example sentence 3: The meeting was attended by various stakeholders, including landlords and propertied.

Example sentence 4: The rights of the propertied were protected under the new legislation.


Meaning 3: Possessed or characterized by desirable qualities.

Example sentence 5: The propertied estate boasts stunning gardens and luxurious amenities.

Example sentence 6: Her propertied elegance and grace caught everyone's attention.

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