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Definitions from the WebQuitrentsDescription:Quitrents refer to a type of payment or tax historically made by landholders to the owner or superior lord of the land in exchange for the right to occupy or use the land. This term is commonly used in the context of feudal or colonial systems. Senses:1. Noun (Plural) a) A form of financial obligation or tax paid by landholders to the landlord or governing authority in exchange for land use rights. b) Historically, quitrents served as a form of rent for the landowner and typically consisted of fixed annual payments or a portion of the land's yield. Usage:Sense 1a: The landowner imposed heavy quitrents on the tenants in return for allowing them to farm their respective plots. Sense 1b: The colonial government collected quitrents from settlers based on the size of their landholdings. Related Products: | ||||
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