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rough rider


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rough rider has 1 sense
  1. roughrider - a horseman skilled at breaking wild horses to the saddle
    --1 is a kind of cavalryman, trooper; horseman, equestrian, horseback rider

Definitions from the Web

Rough Rider


A term referring to a person who is fearless or tough, especially in challenging or dangerous situations.

It can also specifically refer to a member of the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, a group of rugged and daring soldiers who fought in the Spanish-American War under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt.

Example sentences:

  • He may look gentle, but he is a real rough rider when it comes to extreme sports.
  • The rough riders charged fearlessly toward the enemy lines, proving their bravery and valor.
  • As a rough rider, Theodore Roosevelt became an iconic figure in American history.

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