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Definitions from the WebSACDNounAbbreviation of Super Audio CD - a high-resolution audio storage medium. Sense 1:A digital optical disc format for audio playback. Sample Sentence: The audiophile enjoyed the crystal-clear sound quality provided by the SACD. Related Products: SACD Players Sense 2:A compact disc in the SACD format. Sample Sentence: The music aficionado cherished his collection of SACDs. Related Products: SACD Music Sense 3:Audio recordings released on the SACD format. Sample Sentence: The jazz album was reissued on SACD to enhance the listening experience. Related Products: SACD Albums AbbreviationAbbreviation of Stressed Anterior Cervical Decompression - a surgical procedure for treating cervical spine conditions. Sense 1:A surgical technique for relieving pressure on the spinal cord in the neck. Sample Sentence: The patient's neck pain significantly reduced following SACD surgery. Related Products: Cervical Neck Braces | ||||
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