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sir william huggins


Definitions from WordNet

Noun sir william huggins has 1 sense
  1. Huggins, Sir William Huggins - English astronomer who pioneered spectroscopic analysis in astronomy and who discovered the red shift (1824-1910)
    --1 is a kind of astronomer, uranologist, stargazer

Definitions from the Web

Sir William Huggins

Noun: Sir William Huggins was a British astronomer, known for his pioneering work in astronomical spectroscopy.

Sample sentence: Sir William Huggins made significant discoveries in the field of astronomy by studying celestial objects using spectroscopic techniques.

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Biography of Sir William Huggins

sir walter raleigh sir walter scott sir william alexander craigie sir william chambers sir william crookes sir william gerald golding sir william gilbert sir william herschel sir william huggins sir william rowan hamilton sir william turner walton sir william wallace sir william walton sir winston leonard spenser churchill sir yehudi menuhin sirach siracusa

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