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Definitions from WordNet

Noun solvay has 1 sense
  1. Solvay, Ernest Solvay - Belgian chemist who developed the Solvay process and built factories exploiting it (1838-1922)
    --1 is a kind of chemist; industrialist

Definitions from the Web



Solvay refers to a Belgian chemical company that produces various chemicals and pharmaceuticals. It is also the name of a process developed by Ernest Solvay in the 19th century for the production of sodium carbonate, widely known as soda ash.


Example as a Proper Noun:

Solvay is one of the leading chemical companies in the world, specializing in the production of chemicals, plastics, and pharmaceuticals.

Example as a Common Noun:

The Solvay process revolutionized the production of soda ash, enabling it to be produced on a large scale.

Example as a Verb:

The chemists solvayed the compound to dissolve it completely.

Example as an Adjective - Popular:

The Solvay conference is a popular gathering of the world's leading physicists, promoting scientific collaboration and breakthroughs.

Example as an Adjective - Local:

The local Solvay plant plays a vital role in the community, providing job opportunities and contributing to the local economy.

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