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sun set

Adjective sun set has 2 senses
  1. sunset - of a declining industry or technology; "sunset industries"
    Antonym: new (indirect, via old)
  2. sunset - providing for termination; "a program with a sunset provision"
    Antonym: intermediate (indirect, via first, last)
    Antonym: first (indirect, via last, intermediate)
Noun sun set has 3 senses
  1. sunset, sundown - the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon
    --1 is a kind of hour, time of day
    --1 is a part of evening, eve, eventide
    Antonyms: dawn, dawning, morning, aurora, first light, daybreak, break of day, break of the day, dayspring, sunrise, sunup, cockcrow
  2. sunset - atmospheric phenomena accompanying the daily disappearance of the sun
    --2 is a kind of atmospheric phenomenon
  3. sunset - the daily event of the sun sinking below the horizon
    --3 is a kind of periodic event, recurrent event
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