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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial traditionally has 1 sense
  1. traditionally - according to tradition; in a traditional manner; "traditionally, we eat fried foods on Hanukah"
    Derived from adjective

Definitions from the Web



Definition: In a traditional or customary manner.

Example sentences:

  1. People in this town traditionally celebrate the harvest festival every year.
  2. Weddings are traditionally held in a church, but some couples opt for alternative venues.
  3. Traditionally, this dish is served with a side of rice.


Definition: The body of customs, beliefs, and practices that are inherited, established, or passed down through generations.

Example sentences:

  1. The traditionally of this tribe includes storytelling around the campfire.
  2. Every culture has its own traditionally for welcoming a new baby into the world.
  3. Learning about the traditionally of a country can provide insight into its values and history.

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