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Adverbial truly has 4 senses
  1. truly, genuinely, really - in accordance with truth or fact or reality; "she was now truly American"; "a genuinely open society"; "they don't really listen to us"
    Derived from adjective true1
  2. rightfully, truly - by right; "baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime"
    Derived from adjective true(prenominal)11
  3. sincerely, unfeignedly, truly - with sincerity; without pretense; "she praised him sincerely for his victory"; "was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher"; "we are truly sorry for the inconvenience"
    Derived from adjective true(prenominal)8
  4. in truth, really, truly - in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers); "in truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire"; "really, you shouldn't have done it"; "a truly awful book"
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