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Noun workplace has 1 sense
  1. workplace, work - a place where work is done; "he arrived at work early today"
    --1 is a kind of geographic point, geographical point
    --1 has parts: locker room
    --1 has particulars:
     bakery, bakeshop, bakehouse; beehive; brokerage house, brokerage; central, telephone exchange, exchange; colliery, pit; creamery; drill site; exchange; farm; fishery, piscary; fish farm; forge, smithy; gasworks; glassworks; ironworks; job; lab, laboratory, research lab, research laboratory, science lab, science laboratory; laundry; lumberyard; oyster bed, oyster bank, oyster park; proving ground; ropewalk, rope yard; roundhouse; shipyard; shop floor; studio; studio; tannery; test bed; waterworks; workshop, shop
workmates workmen s compensation worknet workout workout suit workpiece workpieces workplace workplaces workroom works works council works down works for works program works up worksheet

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